

Now in Italy it is

(+39) 091 7320411

(+39) 328 0470807



Contact me

Contact me2024-08-20T17:54:44+01:00



dott gucciardo telefono prenotazione visite

Dear per­former, we inform you that — because of our teach­ing activ­i­ties — we give our med­ical exam­i­na­tions in Italy by appoint­ment only

in PALERMO, in via delle Alpi, 11 (c/o PAS Acad­e­my) * GPS *

in AGRIGENTO, in Via Ugo La Mal­fa 46 / i (San Bia­gio’s area) * GPS *

Please, to book your Med­ical Exams in Agri­gen­to and/or Paler­mo (or your LessonsWork­shopsMas­ter­class­es, Inter­views or Tutor­ing for Uni­ver­si­ty the­ses in all over the world) send an e‑mail to voice.md.it@gmail.com, or write a What­sApp mes­sage to +39 328 0470807. Please, con­sid­er that we are in the Rome time zone.

CONSULTATIONS NOT IN ITALIAN. Exam­i­na­tions in French, Eng­lish and Span­ish will have the same fee of those in Ital­ian. Exam­i­na­tions in oth­er lan­guages (in par­tic­u­lar, in Ara­bic, Chi­nese, Kore­an, Russ­ian and Ger­man) will have a cost risen of 30%, except in the case the patient will be accom­pa­nied by a per­son­al trans­la­tor, who must be pre­vi­ous­ly autho­rized, in writ­ing, to stay in the office for the whole time of the vis­it, includ­ed any pos­si­ble exam­i­na­tion with (all or in part) bare body and/or includ­ed any pos­si­ble clin­i­cal set­ting where per­son­al or inti­mate infos might be com­mu­ni­cat­ed to Us. In both the cas­es, We sug­gest You to book your vis­it in advance. The report will be writ­ten only in Eng­lish. Pay­ments: cash (in Euro) or via Credit/Debit Cards (but not Amer­i­can Express) or via Pay­Pal (with­in 2 busi­ness days before the med­ical vis­it). Thanks.

If you want to meet in per­son Dr Guc­cia­r­do, please, sched­ule your med­ical exam­i­na­tion or your coun­selling with him, via send­ing an email to voice.md.it@gmail.com or a short writ­ten What­sapp mes­sage to +39 328 0470807. ASAP, we’ll answer to you. Thanks a lot

p.s. In your request, please, insert the fol­low­ing Info: your name & sur­name, your email, your mobile num­ber, what you need, the urgency or not of your reser­va­tion request, if you pre­fer to reserve the med­ical con­sul­ta­tion in Paler­mo or in Agri­gen­to, and the Lan­guage you pre­fer dur­ing the visit.

If you’ll send us your mes­sage, you’ll direct­ly con­sent that Alfon­so Gian­lu­ca Guc­cia­r­do, Per­form­ing Arts MD, and his Staff process your per­son­al data in accor­dance with the con­di­tions set out in info about pri­va­cy.

If you pref­ere an online med­ical con­sul­ta­tion (telemedecine), please, click and go.

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