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«Can the mystery
of a forest
be expressed
by mea­sur­ing
the height
of the trees?
Is it not rather
its fath­om­less depths
that stir
the imag­i­na­tion?»
(Claude Debussy)

Are you a doctor, a speech therapist, a physiotherapist, an artist?
Would you like to work in the field of Performing Arts Medicine?

«Per­form­ing Arts Med­i­cine is a branch of Med­i­cine (in Italy, and almost in the whole World, orphan of a spe­cif­ic Spe­cial­iza­tion School) that rep­re­sents a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary field that not only con­cerns doc­tors but also many oth­er fig­ures and skills, such as psy­cho­log­i­cal ones and the human­is­tic-philo­­soph­i­cal ones. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with those who expe­ri­ence Per­form­ing Arts first­hand (actors, dancers, buskers, singers, cir­cus per­form­ers, voice actors, engi­neers, musi­cians, direc­tors, etc.), it aims to achieve both ath­let­ic and ultra-pre­cise artis­tic ges­tures and also the extreme respect of the phys­i­ol­o­gy that under­lies them. Thus, it deals with the pre­ven­tion, diag­no­sis, ther­a­py and rehabilita­tion of the dis­eases of pro­fes­sion­als in the enter­tain­ment world in the teach­ing cen­ters, in the clin­ics and in the the­aters. Per­form­ing Arts Med­i­cine is, there­fore, in some ways, sim­i­lar to that “of Sport”, also embrac­ing many skills of the “Occu­pa­tion­al” one. From both, how­ev­er, it is, at the same time, very dif­fer­ent; to say and think that it is only Med­i­cine aimed at the treat­ment of pro­fes­sion­al and gener­ic dis­eases of artists is, in fact, lim­it­ing. Indeed it should not be just “Med­i­cine for Artists”. Its pur­pose should be to take care of the Art itself. A legit­i­mate and intrigu­ing ques­tion aris­es: how can you con­tribute to mak­ing Art ever health­i­er with­out deplet­ing it of its inti­mate being just Art? This is the chal­lenge; this is the dif­fi­cul­ty! This is why to tru­ly take care of Art and Artists, oth­er artists and human­ists are needed!»

Cf. Alfon­so Gian­lu­ca Guc­cia­r­do in “Voice & Sex­u­al­i­ty” (Omega, Turin 2007, 164; mod.), in “Silence & Voice” (Qanat, Paler­mo 2016, 161–162; mod.) and into www.ceimars.it

(*) P. Angelo La Rosa, sj, Farlo non si poteva, in proprio, Palermo 1996

This is a private website not funded by any commercial organization. All info present in this website is truthful, in accordance with every medical ethical standard, and with the guidelines of the Italian Legislative Decree 70 (April 9th, 2003)

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