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Info for clients reaching us in Rome

Info for clients reaching us in Rome2020-05-08T09:22:43+01:00


alfon­so gian­lu­ca guc­cia­r­do voice med­i­cine italy

To go to via Bernar­do Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei, 80 in Rome, you can use

alfon­so gian­lu­ca guc­cia­r­do voice medicine

a taxi:

(Vari­able cost. From Ter­mi­ni Sta­tion, it ranges from about 20 to about 40 EUR; from Fiu­mi­ci­no Inter­na­tion­al Air­port or from Ciampino EU Air­port, it ranges from about 55 to about 65 EUR)

tel. 3570

a City bus and/or Metro (*):

[For the entire route, you need just a sin­gle metro/bus tick­et BIT (1.50 EUR)]

[Aver­age dura­tion required: 70 minutes]

Start­ing from TERMINI Sta­tion, take the Metro A

up to Cor­nelia; then bus 446 to the stop Pine­ta Sacchetti/Montiglio;

or up to Bat­tis­ti­ni; then bus 146 to the stop Pine­ta Sacchetti/Montiglio;

Start­ing from TIBURTINA Sta­tion, take

Bus 490 to the stop Cor­nelia

then, just from that stop, walk to find the stop TARDINI. Here take the Bus 446 to the stop Pine­ta Sacchetti/Montiglio;

once you get off, go to the right for less than 30 meters. The Via Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei 80 is locat­ed to the left.

a region­al train:

[Aver­age time from Ostiense to Via Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei: about 40 min­utes. Tick­et of region­al rail­ways. Cost: 1 EUR] [Please, buy the tick­et only via web]

region­al trains to Viter­bo, start­ing from OSTIENSE or from TIBURTINA sta­tions, stop at Gemel­li. Your back to its exit, you have to go to the left. You can reach on foot the Via Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei, 80 (360 meters).

by pri­vate transport
or by any oth­er pub­lic transport:

cer­ca percorso

GPS ()

alfon­so gian­lu­ca gucciardo

ONCE YOU ARRIVE in Via Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei, 80

Please, ask the concierge. Ground floor.

— — —

(*) Please note: If you are going to arrive in Rome by flight, from Fiu­mi­ci­no Inter­na­tion­al Air­port and from Ciampino EU Air­port, both sev­er­al trains and bus­es are avail­able. In any case, you need to cal­cu­late that, to reach Ter­mi­ni Sta­tion, on aver­age, it takes 1 hour. There­fore, to go to via Bar­bi­elli­ni Amidei, it takes about 2.5 hours overall.

Picture by: Wikipedia
These Info — updated to 03/09/2017 — are indicative. Before the trip, make sure if changes were made by the responsible company. Thank you
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